As well as training, we organise trips and social, recreational and educational activities all year round.
Some are also open to family and friends.

Our trips 

We regularly take our open water sessions to other coastal and inland waterways to enjoy swimming in picturesque spots.

Swim bootcamps for members Barcelona Swimmers 

Every year we run an exclusive swim bootcamp for our members, which involves a full weekend of training sessions in the pool and open water, as well as talks by our coaches.
It is an intensive programme to enhance your swimming technique.
Our bootcamp is also a great opportunity to get to know each other, share experiences, and have some fun, both in and out of the water.

We take part in organised swim events 

Our annual calendar contains details of the main open water events that are on throughout the year, making it easier to register, arrange to go with other members, and sometimes to get discounts.
Every season we choose one as a club event, which as many members as possible try to take part in.

Our ‘clandestinos’ 

Members also arrange lots of swims with each other outside of the club timetable.

Other club activities 

– Full moon swims
– Sunrise swims
– Fun relay races
– Participation in beach and seabed clean-up operations
– First aid courses

Barcelona Swimmers